Steam shadow tactics
Steam shadow tactics

steam shadow tactics

Skills: 2H Swords, Lament of the Dead, Meditate IV, Phalanx. Spells: Hellhound II, Instill Shadow, Gift of Renewal, Starfall II, Boon of Swiftness (From Luminant Gauntlets)Įquipment: Ogre Blade, Ogre Helm, Ogre Armor, Luminant Gauntlets, Winged Shoes, Crest of Fire Combo it with Cloud Shoes for levitating on Water, Lava and avoiding poisonous terrains. Earrings and Chokers are kinda bad now, no point in using them, instead go for Winged Ring/Sidhe Ring. Don't use Cursed Weapons for cudgels/books, they won't recharge your MP! Also make sure they have Teleport instead of Flight, so the AI won't make them suicide going past Rampart Auras. Only leave Pressure Whirl as Killer Move or none, so they won't go melee unnecessarily. Casters will want Staff of Purification for Exorcism or Malitza Staff for Charge 100, don't use 'better' cudgels nor Gran Grimoire, they'll weight more and make you slower. Ozma might use Whips for charm abuse and you might want to use daggers/swords with a few double strikers. The weapon you'll use on your melee users should be either Spear or Hammer, 2H Sword if you want to use the Ogre Set, nothing else is as strong. If you rob enemy units of other damage options that may result from them moving, they're more likely to have to attack your dragon.īy endgame you'll only care for a few things, really: That's it very simple AI.īecause of the damage reduction afforded by dragon scale and phalanx, it's less likely that they will be selected as primary targets of single-target abilities.Īs an aside, this makes rampart aura incredibly valuable on dragons. If hitting that unit is going to result in them doing the most damage during that turn, they will attack it. They will still target them with their most powerful attacks instead of waiting a turn.

steam shadow tactics

If those are the only units in their range, and they have the element advantage. Their multi-target skills will hit dragon scale and phalanx units, but with single target abilities they will avoid these units because they can do more damage elsewhere. Originally posted by Super Ourico:Yes, they will attempt to either do the most cumulative damage possible, or secure a kill. The AI doesn't care if the unit has Dragon Scale active, or any other effect, as the AI has no sense of self-preservation. The princess class luck-boosting ability is probably the key to unlocking all sorts of auto-proc shenanigan strategies, including but not limited to velocity shift, dragon/shaman element instill, lich magic reflect, etc. This unit isn't part of some greater strategy, but I wanted to see how it would do. Personally I have been having a great time with a lizardman juggernaut I recruited, and to whom I fed all of my charms. There is also that small problem of dragons not being able to use all that fancy overpowered gear. The reason that strategy works - sometimes - is because of pumpkin lure forcing them to attack a target that is hopefully situated where AoE is forced to hit dragons too. I have not yet tested whether the AI actively avoids attacking into dragon scale, but I suspect it does. Boosted Dragons reflecting damage sounds insane though. I've heard you can do some pretty insane things with a team of dragons and a couple of Lobber Beastmasters but I have yet to test it. Originally posted by Grumpy Old Guy:When you say best you usually mean unique characters with unique classes. I got Deneb with Wicce but it turns out she can't use the summon spells or draconic magic and I wasn't terribly impressed with the Apocrypha spells, even the tier 2 versions just aren't that impressive compared to the summons. Canopus as a Vartan with a crossbow is also pretty effective. Shamans/Princess with the summon spells at level 40 are currently doing about 800 damage per cast to a single target.Ĭurrently I have Vyce as a Ranger with Fusils and they're working really well, though he can use dual daggers and still do pretty nutty damage but I personally think Buccaneer is better for that as they have Speedstar and Evade.

steam shadow tactics

I prefer to give them Spears/Hammers since spears have a breached finisher and an AOE finisher and hammers have a good AOE finisher too. Ravness, Gildas, and Mirdyn with velocity shift are really strong too due to them all feeding each other extra turns, White Knight in this game is an insane class. Ozma with two weapons and the instant crit skill comes to mind. When you say best you usually mean unique characters with unique classes.

Steam shadow tactics